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I am a community ecologist that uses a variety of theoretical and empirical methods to study the structure and function of communities. A majority of my work is related to food web ecology, either directly or tangentially. 


I have a special fondness for aquatic insects living in stream habitats, but a key motivation of mine is understanding the patterns and relationships that organize all natural communities. 


Outside of my academic work, I enjoy recreating outside, mostly rock climbing and trail running. Where I live, I am fortunate enough to have easy access to alpine and desert environs, and take advantage of that as often as possible. I am also keen on reading sci-fi and fantasy novels. Recent reads include the Red Rising series (hic sunt leones), Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse, The Stormlight Archive, and Kate Quinn's historical fictions. I'd also like to give a shoutout to Iain M. Banks Culture series


Email: jfpomeranz[at]gmail

CC BY 4.0 2018 Justin Pomeranz. Created with

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